Our ArmorPlast® retrofit solutions are designed to provide maximum security and protection against potential threats. Our products are virtually unbreakable, making them an ideal solution to prevent crimes from happening. Intruders are quickly deterred when they realize that breaking the glass is not an option. Additionally, many of our solutions do not require removing the existing glass, making the installation more efficient and cost-effective.

Our ArmorPlast® Gen II Series sets a new premium retrofit fenestration security standard. The system boasts an exquisite fit and finish and a sleek minimalist profile, providing optimal protection against forced entry and ballistic threats.

The ArmorPlast® Gen I Series results from years of experience in access denial. Our security framing systems are designed to provide maximum protection against forced entry and ballistic threats.

We also offer the ArmorPlast® IGU Series, which combines the energy efficiency and sound mitigating qualities of a standard 1” insulating unit with the durability of our ArmorPlast security panels. This industry-first Security Insulating Glass Unit is a perfect solution for enhancing security while maintaining energy efficiency.

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